About China Graphite
Board of Directors and Senior Management
Mr. Zhao Liang
Chairman, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer

aged 44, is the Chairman, executive Director and chief executive officer of our Company. He is primarily responsible for the overall management, decision-making and strategy planning of our Group.
Mr. Zhao is one of our founders and has approximately 20 years of experience in the graphite mining industry. Prior to founding our Group, Mr. Zhao was the deputy general manager of Jixi Yixiang Graphite Company Limited* (雞西市溢祥石墨有限公司)from June 2002 to May 2004. He founded and served as deputy general manager of Jixi Lishu Yixiang Graphite Factory* (雞西市梨樹區溢祥石墨廠) in February 2006 which was dissolved in July 2015. Mr. Zhao then founded our Group in June 2006 andhas held directorship roles in our principal operating subsidiaries, namely Yixiang Graphite and Yixiang New Energy since April 2019 and April 2011, respectively. He also served as the general manager of Yixiang Graphite from June 2006 to May 2019 and since April 2021. He has been a Hegang City Deputy of the National People’s Congress (鶴崗市人大代表) since January 2017.
Mr. Zhao joined the Heilongjiang Province Graphite Industry Association* (黑龍江省石墨產業協會) in March 2019, and was an executive council member as at the Latest Practicable Date. As at the Latest Practicable Date, Mr. Zhao was also a vice chairman of each of the China Graphite Industry Development Alliance* (中國石墨產業發展聯盟), the Graphite and Graphite Materials Committee of China Non-Metallic Minerals Industry Association* (中國非金屬礦業協會石墨及石墨材料專業委員會) and the Hegang Graphite Industry Development Alliance* (鶴崗市石墨產業發展聯盟).
Mr. Zhao obtained a college degree in agricultural management and development from Northeast Agricultural University (東北農業大學) after completing online courses in December 2006. He obtained a master’s degree in management from North Borneo University College in November 2021.
Mr. Lei Wai Hoi
Executive Director and the Chief Financial Officer
aged 37, is the executive Director and chief financial officer of our Company. Mr. Lei joined our Group in March 2021 and is responsible for overseeing the overall financial management as well as corporate governance matters of our Group. Mr. Lei has over 11 years of experience in the accounting and compliance profession. Mr. Lei was employed by PricewaterhouseCoopers from October 2009 to July 2017 with his last position as a manager.
Prior to joining our Group, Mr. Lei served as the financial controller and company secretary of WT Group Holdings Limited (‘‘WT Group’’), a company listed on the Main Board (Stock Code: 8422) from July 2017 to March 2021 and the director of Healthy Luck Holdings Limited, a directly wholly-owned subsidiary of WT Group incorporated in the BVI from May 2019 to March 2021. Mr. Lei also served as a director of Million Sea Development Limited, an indirectly wholly-owned subsidiary of WT Group incorporated in Hong Kong, from May 2019 to March 2021, where he was responsible for its daily operation.
Mr. Lei obtained a bachelor’s degree in business administration (majoring in accounting) from the Hong Kong Baptist University in November 2009. Mr. Lei was admitted as a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants in January 2013.
Mr. Chiu G Kiu Bernard
Independent Non-executive Director
aged 43, is an independent non-executive Director of our Company. He is primarily responsible for supervising and providing independent judgment to our Board.
Mr. Chiu has over 18 years of experience in the accounting and finance field. He began his career as auditor of KPMG in August 2003 and was later promoted to deputy manager of the audit department in March 2007 before finally leaving KPMG in May 2008. He then served as senior associate in the assurance department of BDO McCabe Lo Limited from September 2008 to July 2009. From October 2009 to September 2010, he worked as finance manager for NT Pharma (HK) Limited and then he joined Pfizer Corporation Hong Kong Limited as senior accountant in November 2010 and worked there until July 2012. From July 2012 to September 2016, he served as accounting manager of CGN New Energy Holdings Co., Ltd and later joined ORG International Holdings Limited where he served as senior finance manager until September 2017. From September 2017 to February 2018, he worked as the financial controller of China Life Science Service Limited. Since February 2018, he has been working as deputy chief financial officer of Carry Wealth Holdings Limited (stock code: 643), a company listed on the Main Board, principally engaged in the manufacture and trade of garment products.
Mr. Chiu has been serving as a director of Carry Wealth Limited (近旺有限公司), Hillwealth International Limited (領溢國際有限公司), Mass Wealth Investments Limited (尚豪投資有限公司), Win Sonic Investments Limited (永聲投資有限公司) and Dragon Insight Investments Limited (穎揚投資有限公司) since January 1, 2018. Mr. Chiu has also been serving as the group finance director of Cosmo Supply Limited since May 2022.
Mr. Chiu graduated in October 2003 with a bachelor of commerce degree in accounting and finance from The University of New South Wales. He is also a member of CPA Australia and a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
Mr. Shen Shifu
Independent Non-executive Director
aged 56, is an independent non-executive Director of our Company. He is primarily responsible for supervising and providing independent judgment to our Board.
Mr. Shen has over 18 years of experience in the mineral and mining industries. He joined Qingdao Changcheng Jiaozhou Building Materials Group Company Limited* (青島膠州長城建材集團公司) in August 2002 and worked as senior engineer until July 2005. Since August 2004 and until the Latest Practicable Date, he has been working as a chief expert of the Mineral Processing Research and Design Institute of BGRIMM Technology Group Co., Ltd. (‘‘BGRIMM Group’’) (北京礦冶科技集團有限公司選礦研究設計所). He has been serving as an independent non-executive director of Zhaojin Mining Industry Company Limited (Stock code: 1818), a company listed on the Main Board since February 2016. Mr. Shen has been serving as an independent non-executive director of Huaiji Dengyun Auto-Parts Holding Co. Ltd., a company listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE: 2715), since March 2021.
Mr. Shen was an academic foregoer of China Inorganic Chemical Industry Society (中國無機化工學會) from October 2008 to October 2012, and has been an expert committee member of China Nonmetallic Mineral Industry Association Professional Committee of Graphite (中國非金屬礦工業協會石墨專業委員會) and a professor committee member of China Nonferrous Metals Society Technical Experts Working Committee (中國有色金屬學會技術專家工作委員會) since August 2014 and October 2018, Respectively.
Mr. Shen has undertaken over 40 enterprise commissions (including the beneficiation of various kinds of minerals, the comprehensive utilization of tailings, and the harmless disposal of hazardous waste and comprehensive utilization of mineral material).
Mr. Shen graduated from Shandong Institute of Building Materials* (山東建築材料工業學院)(currently known as University of Jinan (濟南大學)) with a bachelor of Silicate Engineering in July 1988, and later obtained a doctorate degree in Mineral Processing Engineering from the Northeastern University (東北大學) in September 2004. He was awarded the title of qualified senior engineer during his employment at Qingdao LuBi Cement Production Co., Ltd. in November 2000, and by the Professional Skills and Occupational Assessment Committee of BGRIMM Group (北京礦冶科技集團有限公司專業技術職務評審委員會) in December 2019.
Mr. Liu Zezheng
Independent Non-executive Director
aged 42, is an independent non-executive Director of our Company. He is primarily responsible for supervising and providing independent judgment to our Board.
Mr. Liu has over 14 years of experience in the legal industry. From February 2008 to November 2011, Mr. Liu served as a lawyer at Beijing Guangsheng & Partners Law Offices* (北京市廣盛律師事務所). He then joined Beijing Qunke Law Offices* (北京群科律師事務所) and served as a lawyer until December 2018. Since January 2019, he has been serving as a lawyer of Beijing Qingshan Law Offices* (北京市青山律師事務所). Mr. Liu obtained the practicing certificate for lawyers issued by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Justice* (北京市司法局) in July 2008.
Mr. Liu graduated from Inner Mongolia University (內蒙古大學), majoring in law in July 2004.
Ms. Zhao Jingran
Independent Non-executive Director
aged 34, is an independent non-executive Director of our Company. She is primarily responsible for supervising and providing independent judgment to our Board.
Ms. Zhao has taken up various roles at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University since 2015. In particular, she has been serving as an assistant professor since July 2015 and a visiting lecturer at the Institute of Advanced Executive Education since July 2021. Ms. Zhao taught management accounting and has been teaching business analytics in accounting and finance and contemporary issues in accounting research since 2019. A number of Ms. Zhao’s academic papers have been published. Ms. Zhao was awarded the 2020 JIAR Best Paper Award and has been awarded the Faculty Award for Outstanding Achievement (Teaching) in 2019/2020.
Ms. Zhao obtained her bachelor’s degree in business administration from Georgia College & State University in May 2010. She also obtained a Ph.D. degree in accounting from Emory University in June 2015.